Monday Afternoon COED League
Starts Monday, May 5th
Runs 12 weeks with one complimentary week
Shotgun start at 5:30pm
Includes weekly choice of egg sandwich or hot dog plus one soda or beer
Includes end of year league banquet
No play on Memorial Day
League is FULL

Tuesday Senior League
Starts Tuesday, May 6th
Runs 12 weeks with one complimentary week
9:30AM Tee Times
Includes weekly choice of egg sandwich or hot dog plus one soda or beer
Includes end of year league banquet
Click here to purchase
The Hideaway’s Craft Beer League
Starts Tuesday, May 13th
16 weeks of play • 5:15pm Shotgun
Entry Fee: $575/person Includes:
9 holes of golf with cart, weekly snack and craft beer , end of year league banquet with buffet and prizes
Click here to purchase.